
We had a fun filled Halloween full of parties, parades, and trick or treating! The kids didn't even fight me on this year's costumes...total cost...$7.00!!! Thank goodness for Grandma's dress up closet and a borrowed monkey that was a tad bit to small. The kids loved their candy for about the first 2 hours - it is now hidden and there have been very few requests. I am thinking it needs to head to the garabage before I eat it all!

Nick the NINJA

Austin the MONKEY

Kylee the COWGIRL


Angela Romeril said...

Your kids look so cute! I love dress up boxes. That's how my kids manged being something different at every Halloween party we went to. Miss you all out there!

brittany said...

they look so cute! did you make kylee's stuff?

The Tomlinsons said...

Love the costumes! Your girl is soooo cute.