That's My Boy

This kid loves to play ball and has proven to be quite a player!  He is on the Lehi Titan's this year and is being coached by none other than his dad.  I love that it allows my boys time to be with their dad.  Austin is the "bat boy" and attends every practice and game like he were on the team.   The team is young and has some improving to do but they are having a blast which I have decided is what is important when you are only SEVEN.  Some of the teams that they are playing are a bit to competitive if you ask me.   He was excited request #32 in honor of Jimmer as well as his dad who was #32 through High School, Ricks and BYU.  It has been fun to watch his confidence grow - he thinks he is awesome and we think he is too!

1 comment:

The Tomlinsons said...

How fun! Looks like your kids are following the Holland family tradition on the ball field!