THEM: "Hi, this is Fox Hollow Elementary School."
Me: "Oh, is everything okay?"
THEM: "Yes, I have Kylee here and she is just fine. A child in her class got sick and Kylee took the brunt of the throw up."
Me: "Are you kidding?"
THEM: (Laughing) "No, you will probably want to bring an old towel or blanket to wrap her in. She is pretty bad."
Me: "Okay, I am on my way."

Now that is the kind of phone call no mother wants to get. Even thinking about being puked on makes me want to puke! I asked Kylee if it made her want to throw up and she said, "No, but it did feel gross!" Yeah, I think so!


Heather said...

Oh my gosh!! That is so funny and gross! It would make we want to puke to.

McGiven Family.... said...

That is so funny but so gross! I can totally picture her giggling about it. She is so funny. Love ya!

brittany said...

that sounds absolutely terrible. i am so impressed that she was so brave about it. i think i would have freaked!

Becky said...

Oh my gosh! That's disgusting! I'm glad she had a good attitude about it -- I certainly wouldn't have. That's hilarious.

The Tomlinsons said...

Oh no! Beautiful Kylee covered in someone else's puke??!! Poor girl. She sure had a good additude about it though! That's one you'll talk about for the rest of her life!

Johnson said...

Oh my gosh I think I just threw up in my mouth. That is so disgusting and I have a hard enough time cleaning off my own kids throw up let alone a complete strangers. I'd have to leave my child to fend for themselves...just kidding..kind of..Okay, I'd help but I'd be in a really bad mood!!

Sharon said...

Way to go Kylee. I would have puked for sure.

megship said...

Uh, don't you remember when I threw up on your head on the way to some water park? To be fair to me, I DID tell you I was feeling sick. Like mother like daughter, I guess.