Happy Birthday to ME!

I am just like my mother in a lot of ways but remembering my camera and taking pictures is something I can never remember to do. Oh well! My Birthday this year was just about as good as they get. Tyler tried extra hard this year and his efforts were appreciated! The day started at 5:00 a.m. when Kylee woke me up in search of scissors and tape. She apparently dreamed a brilliant idea (shown above - Happy Birthday Best Mom Ever) and enlisted the help of her brothers in creating a super cute sign. The house was decorated with streamers (more like ribbon because streamers were hidden) and I was served a fabulous breakfast in bed! The kids were off to school and I headed to Firehouse to get my car cleaned out...they gave me $10 OFF because it was my Birthday...SSSWWWEEETTTT! The kids were brought home and I met up with some of my family for lunch and a bit of shopping. PERFECT! The night was complete with a pre-arranged, yes you read that right, PRE-ARRANGED dinner and bowling with two of our favorite people, the Dowdle's. The kids survived the babysitter and I survived another year. Thanks for all of those who went to extra effort to make me feel special. I feel truly blessed!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Happy Birthday. You still look 17. :)