When Kylee was 1 I would have freaked to find her playing in the hose water. A) because she escaped without me knowing it and this is how I found her. B) because hose water is nasty and who wants to drink it. C) because she was wearing a new dress and heaven forbid it get dirty!
All of the above were true yesterday when I found little Ms. Summer happily playing in the hose. I didn't freak out at all. In fact, I pulled a chair out from the garage, grabbed my camera, and laughed as I watched her have the time of her life for a solid hour.
Poor Kylee...lucky Summer. I guess having more kids has desensitized me.
Summer has a favorite drawer in our kitchen. She unloads it multiple times a day. Again, with Kylee I would have found some fancy lock and worried that she might find some dangerous utensil to use as a weapon. Not now. Again, #4 has made me realize that spatulas and measuring cups are a lot cheaper then toys. So, if you come to my house at just about any time of the day (or night) this is what my kitchen floor looks like and it doesn't bug me one bit.
There are oh so many things wrong with the pictures posted below...or at least I would have thought so 8 years ago. A) Really, what kind of mother lets their 3 year old dry the car in his pajamas at 3 in the afternoon with a "good" towel? ME. B) Check out that hair!!! What kind of a mother lets her child play in the water (again) without any pants on and hair that isn't combed? ME. C) Let's wash the car!!! With water bottles? Whatever, they were filling them up with hose water and were having the time of their lives. Yup, that was super mom ME again!
Amazing what 8 years and 4 kids can do to put life into perspective!
I love it! I'm not quite to that point but I can tell I've relaxed a bit with #2.
Good for you! I don't think you become desensitized, I think you learn that it isn't going to harm the child. And that they can have fun doing it. Love this blog.
I'm so with you! This post made me laugh. Your kids are so cute!
I know how you feel! You are a fun mom. Keep up your great work. I let Aspen do so many more things now and I am much more relaxed.
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