What Mom's Do...

I would give anything to just drive to the airport and get on a plane right now. Tyler travels for work on occasion and for him that requires him packing a suitcase, driving to the airport, and boarding the plane.  For me it requires accomplishing the entire list below...
Though I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to spend time away with people I love, it requires doing a lot for the people that I love and am leaving at home.  I have checked a few things off this list today and will continue to plug away at it until take off in a few days.  Until then, I am sweating like crazy (no joke) as I try and leave the house in a semi organized fashion with laundry done and the pantry and fridge stocked.  I guess that is what mom's do!   

1 comment:

The Tomlinsons said...

Seriously!!! Getting a family ready for a trip is insane! Hopefully the trip is a vacation from real life!