My financial ANXIETY!
Okay, does anyone else see something wrong with the Tai Pan Trading company moto? Family, Comfort, Home - yeah right! Every time if visit this store I have complete financial anxiety. I go there and I fill my cart at least half full of all the darling things that I have to have. It causes my FAMILY discomfort because I am so on edge because there are so many things that I want and cannot afford! Yeah, the place helps to make my home look pretty...but is it really worth the complete and utter distress that it causes me every time I walk in that store? I just don't know! Point being, I visited this store yesterday and controlled the URGE to buy everything under the roof. The fall decorations are all over the store and the smell of Christmas is in the air. The trees are up and the stars and ribbon are literally EVERYWHERE....I nearly hyperventilated just thinking about all the things I have to return for in order to make my tree look just right. It is 5:00 a.m the morning following my visit to Tai Pan. I cannot sleep because my dreams were filled with all the images of all the things that I must have....maybe next pay period! If you have not heard of this store, you really should check it out. I am sure you will have the same financial anxiety that I do. Go to and you can sign up to receive their newsletter and monthly coupons. A little bit of a discount is always a good thing. Happy blogging!
I want everything just looking at the web site. When I come to Utah in December I have to go to that store. I can see why you are having financial anxiety!!
That store is the best! We bought our Christmas tree there. I want everything there too which is why I never went very often and now I live too far away...good thing!
I get the same way when I go to ikea! I am pretty good at resisting the urge these days though. I know the perfect there part time so you can get the employee discount!
I love that store, but I have to say that I am very glad that it is far far away. No financial anxiety for me except when I am in Utah.
Sweet!! Thanks for the info Renee!
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