...do I have a thing for PASTA and JELL-O in my food storge! Well, let me explain.
I bought the boxed pasta this morning at Smith's and I was so excited about it that I called like 15 (okay, maybe just 3) people to tell them about this steal! It was only 49 cents at Smith's if you bought 10...so I bought 20 and am thinking that I might just go get some more. It is a "quick cooking" pasta which makes total sense to me in case of an emergency. Think about it - you have no power and are trying to cook something for your family using your propane cook stove....boiling a pot of water would take FOREVER in itself...but once you throw this pasta in the pot it cooks up in only 3 minutes! Open up a can of Spaghetti sauce and dinner is served! I am also a pasta lover because it is filling, ALL of my children like it, and the littlest of children can eat it. So, that is why buying oodles of boxes of pasta today made sense to me. We will see if my hubby agrees! :)
JELL-O is just a love of mine so when I see them for cheap I buy lots. Funny how I come home and unload and realize that I have plenty of JELL-O. My kids love it and it is an inexpensive treat for kids. I have a great jello salad recipe that I am often asked to bring to family functions...so I figure what the heck! JELL-O it is kids. My little sister told me that I am the best at making red JELL-O. I am glad that my family thinks highly of my cooking skills!
Both of these items require water so it is just another reminder as to how important it is to have PLENTY of water stored.
That's my food storage kick for today. I promise I will quit with the food storage posts as soon as the case lot sales are over and I am done finding good deals! Until then, happy shopping!
Hey do they have the quick cook pasta in whole wheat? I would get it if they did.
You forgot to mention the capri suns :)
I totally bought at least 20 packages of pasta yesterday. Btw, the cashier told me Smiths accepts Ronzoni coupons for the American Beauty pasta. The coupons are "save $1 on two" so that makes them free. Supposedly you can print 8 coupons off the Ronzoni website (which means 16 free packages of pasta). I haven't tried it yet, but I will!
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