Someone got glasses...

...and she loves them! She could not wait to show them to her friends and refuses to take them off. I never thought I would have to set ground rules when it came to glasses...she only needs them at school or when she needs to see things that are far away - to her this means all of the time! Picking out the "right" glasses was quite the process. After a lot of deliberating she decided on these...and I love them (and her)!


Heather said...

Those glasses make Kylee look waaaaay too grown up!

Sam, Tom, and Nate said...

She really does look grown up! Way cute Kylee! Can't wait to see them in person!

brittany said...

she looks adorable and so grown up!!

Kari said...

Congratulations, Kylee! You look beautiful!

Unknown said...

So darn cute.

Jamie Jensen Hill said...

Those glasses are so adorable! I want a pair!