Trouble, trouble, trouble!

Put these THREE innocent two year olds together and what do you get??? TROUBLE! Sarah and I thought that they were happily playing upstairs in the playroom at Grandma's house and we were enjoying a minute of peace...until we realized that it was TOO QUIET. We went on the hunt for them and this is what we found...nice!

The bathtub was filled with water and everything in sight was thrown in! Pencils, pens, $$$, toenail clippers, and even a few pieces of paper. We are nominating ourselves for the MOTHER OF THE YEAR award for sure!


Rachel said...

Crazy boys! At least the tub wasn't overflowing!

Niki Carter said...

I didn't get your message but I found a suit. I need a brown skirt though. Call me at 832-698-2690

The Tomlinsons said...

Don't think of it as bad, they were making their own personal wishing wells. I just wonder what they were wishing for......maybe you could fill us in on that.