TAGS are NOT my thing!

I am not a huge fan of the whole tag game but I found this posted on my friend Becky's blog and it sounded different and fun! I copied the instructions, word for word, from Becky because I am too lazy to re-type them! Thanks Becky!

Here's how it works:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember, good or bad but be nice please! ;)

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.Come on all my blog followers... I want to post something about you, let's see this on your blog!!!


Johnson said...

Let the memories begin...I too remember Junior High..ALOT. Do you remember singing for Mr. Blackburns chorus class and when we had to sing "beauty and the beast" and we came to your house to practice. I still think of that everytime I hear that song. I remember a couple of parties at your "GINORMOUS" house. I have loved getting reacquainted with you through the blogging world. You were always such a wonderful person in my life and I am glad to still know you!!!! RENEE ROCKS!!!!


McGiven Family.... said...

Oh seriously?!? I could go on for hours! My favorite memory with you is when mom and dad took us to Minnesota for no real reason. We shopped and boated and relaxed. It was so great! I loved spending time with you! You are a great big sister and I have always looked up to you. Love ya!

Sherian said...

Oh...so many to choose from! I'm with Becky on the parties at your house...good times! OK...one of my favorites would be the tapes we made for our boyfriends (Joel Hawkins was yours at that time:) You, Tresa, and I sang some seriously beautiful love songs...and we danced too! Although I cannot forget dancing on the bus to games, practicing our kisses with ice cream cones, and waiting for our Mom's to pick us up after practice. How about that kiss that sent you rolling down the hill? Those are some mad kissing skills! La-la-love all those memories! Thanks for being such an awesome friend! You are the best!

Heather said...

The first that comes to mind was when I showed up, very late, to our Christmas Enrichment where I was supposed to help decorate a table. I had just learned I was pregnant with twins. You were so sweet to share my excitement and good news! I miss being that close now.

Niki Carter said...

Mine is just a general memory of the Hill Family household. We always had such a great time hanging out there! You were always so sweet to me. It is funny looking back at 8th and 9th grade with Geoff! I remember it like it was yesterday. I'm glad that we have all kept in touch!

Aleena said...

I have some very fond memories of you. But I will never forget when I went with your family to Flathead lake when Geoff and I had only been dating for a few weeks. You were so completely nice to me and made me feel so comfortable. I also remeber being amazed that you were 8 months pregnant and kylee was not even one!!!

Angela Romeril said...

You were so friendly on our first day in church. You came up to me in Relief Society and introduced yourself. It was so sweet!

Layne & Kellie said...

Let's see... our years of volleyball. Loved them. It was so fun to play with you. Yes, I admit I wanted to be your height so I could play up front. But you were a great volleyball player and gorgeous one at that.

Lori said...

So, I have a lot of memories of you when you lived in the "hood" and I think we were a little crazy then. Anyway, I will never forget Jake running down our cul-de-sac, wearing your swimsuit, with you chasing him crying and screaming...please tell me you remember that! It could be one of my funniest memories.
A more serious and sweet memory I have of you is when you came to see me in the hospital. I will never forget how sweet I thought that was. I was touched that you would be concerned enough to come and see how my baby and I were doing. Thanks Renee!

Oh yeah, Ashley said she saw you too. She thought you were the nicest, cutest thing!

Natalie said...

I left the same things on Meghan's blog, but I remember the family vacations to Disney Land. I remember Meghan throwing up on your head on our way home from the water park and just today I made you mom's "Great cookies" because I remember how much I loved them as a kid and they are still my favorite recipe. I think of playing in your sports court as kids and I could go on and on....

lovell said...

I remember meeting you for the first time at the ward Christmas Party. We hadn't even moved in yet. I will never forget how sweet you were. I will never forget the going to the Barnes and Noble party to buy Eclipse. We were like the oldest ones at the party! We did have fun though. Your Awesome!

megship said...

Well, I love your kids, Renee! I can see that you are a serious blogger!! Anyway, I would say definitely that the throw up on your head thing was number one, but I do remember coming into your house every morning to get you to go to school and you would always be doing your hair in that upstairs bathroom. I was always envious of your beautiful curls!

lramey said...

so, i can't really remember a specific memory- church ball, camp, school- we always seemed to be running into eachother everywhere didn't we?

I loved it when you joined bunco!!! You're not pregnant now though, so I think you should come back- and bring the trifle!

I'll call you next time we need a sub!!!

and was it you that always said, "hi ugly" at school or Meghan? Maybe it was Meg....

Hollie said...

Classic memory of Renee! Picture this... snow, snow, and more snow. 9:00 in the morning. Kiley not wanting to go to school and I am there to pick her up, so Renee (in her scrubs) takes Kiley in her arms and runs her out to the car telling her she needs to go to school. As she turns to go back in her house I notice she is barefoot! It is freezing outside and she is running through snow barefoot! I love you crazy woman.