Happy Birthday Kylee Jo

Time sure does fly! It was five years ago today, just about this time, that Tyler and I were in bed watching "Leave it to Beaver" when my water broke. I put on my trusty overalls and we called my mom just before leaving to the hospital. Tyler was a wreck, nervous as a first time father should be, and axious to get me there in once piece. After a long labor and an emergency cesarian section, our little Kylee Jo entered the world. The doctor pulled her out by her feet and held her upside down. I'll never forget when he said "we will have to call this baby chubalumps". Yes, all 8 lbs. 10 oz of her survived a wicked labor and delivery. I remember kissing her little face and looking at her for a short minute before Tyler followed the nurse out the door to show her to our families and head to the nursery. I stared at the lights as a patienty waited to be sewn up, anxious to see our precious daughter again. I remember crying and thanking Heavenly Father for our little girl. There was no dispute to the name once she arrived. I had been fighting for the name Kylee Jo for quite some time and when I asked him what her name was he stated simply: "she's our Kylee Jo". It is five years later and we are still grateful for our Kylee. She has so much life and personality to her, we laugh at things she says because she acts so old. She loves her brothers, especially Nick, and is truly his best friend. She loves her aunts, cousins, and friends and especially enjoys being with her family. She is our little clock that reminds us that we need to "stick together". Our little girl will now start Kindergarten, time sure does fly! We truly feel blessed to have been sent a wonderful daughter. She makes us smile every day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLEE JO!


brittany said...

Happy Birthday Kylee!!! What a cute picture. I can't believe she is 5, it seems like she was born just yesterday. crazy.

McGiven Family.... said...

That is so cute! You forgot to mention that I named her, duh. She is the greatest thing ever and we love her dearly. I hope she has a great birthday even though mom ruined the Holland family tradition by holding her birthday presents hostage in Park City. We are so glad she is in our family, she always makes us laugh and she is a great cousin. Happy Birthday Kylee Jo!

Heather said...

What an adorable sweetheart. Happy birthday, Kylee!

Sharon said...

What a cute picture. I absolutely love Kylee and always look forward to seeing her every time I visit Utah. She always makes me laugh by something that she says that sounds like she is a teenager!! Kindergarten - your life will never be the same Renee, now that you have a child in school.

Dottie Stay said...

Renee, She is so beautiful! How are you? I hope you don't mind me look at your blog. I haven't seen you since BUNKO! Take care


Natalie said...

Hey Renee, What cute kids! Wow, you have a five year old. Hope your little family is doing well. Its fun to look at your blog, I'm new to it as well. Oh and by the way, HOW IN THE WORLD were you not told of the reunion. I swear I sent something to your husbands e-mail (maybe thats why) Maybe the 20 year eh?